Offline Content

Offline content will be displayed when there is no live service. You can set up a video or image.

Setting up an offline video:

  1. Select "Video."
  2. Select the video source:
    1. URL: Copy and paste the URL into the field
      1. Select if you would like the video to auto-play
      2. Select if you would like the video to loop
    2. Embed Code: Copy and paste the embed code
  3. Click "Save."

Setting up an offline image:

  1. Select "Image"
  2. Click "Choose File" and select the image you would like to use. (Minimum recommend image size is 1920px wide and 1080px tall. Images will be displayed at 16:9 aspect ratio) File size limit is 10MB.
  3. Click "Save."

Uploading offline images might fail, especially with custom domains.

  • Workaround: Try uploading the image twice - once to the "" URL and again to your custom domain URL. Use a JPG image sized 1920x1080. If that fails, send us the image and support will update it.

Setting up offline prayer:

Offline Prayer allows your attenders to submit prayer requests outside of Service times or during a Service if you have private chat with hosts disabled in the Content form. Attenders requesting Offline Prayer will complete a form that will be sent to the email address(es) you provide. If an email address is not provided, attenders will not have the ability to submit offline prayer requests.

  1. Add email to receive the forwarded prayer requests.
  2. Click "Save."

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